New Battery Pack Installed
The new 160Ah LiFePO4 battery pack and charger has arrived and now been installed. And..., the results are awesome!
After discussions with Jesse at NZ Lithium I decided on a 77V 160Ah 24S (24x 3.2V 160Ah cells in series) LiFePO4 battery pack with 200A Battery Management System (BMS) and a 20A charger.
For the first lot of tests with the new battery I just strapped in the battery temporarily. The battery arrived with 91% State of Charge (SOC) and running the tractor for about 1/2 an hour on the first run - just taking it easy (about 30A avg) - then for about 90 mins on a second run with moderate loads (but a couple of times at high speed - peaking 110A) and the battery only dropped to 73% SOC. Nice!
I was a bit worried as the cell voltages did slump a bit - from 3.28V at the start to 2.97V at the end of the testing - which would suggest a lower SOC.
Battery readings at start of test Battery readings under load Battery readings after 44min test
However, after further testing I worked out that the BMS's reported battery SOC ("Remain Battery") is based on the Ah used, not battery voltage as I thought. The BMS's Ah used matches pretty much what the Cycle Analyst displays say too, so I'm confident that the BMS is accurate.
I also found out from Jesse that the battery voltage slumps more when the battery is cold - the numbers I mentioned in the first tests above were with a starting battery temp of 8 deg C. Testing with the battery temp at 15 deg C and above showed much healthier numbers. Will see how my winter use goes - I might need to get an electric heat wrap sorted for it 😁.
Anyway, the battery is now fitted with a frame to the tractor (took the opportunity to clean and paint the front of the tractor too):
Battery mounting frame ready (and front of tractor painted)
Battery fitted and bonnet back on
So, except for a bunch of tidying up (cosmetic tweaks), the tractor is pretty much all ready for service:
Yes, I am pleased with the outcome 😃
So, keep an eye out for my next and last post where I provide a wrap up of further testing, and I'll share the total project costs...
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